Sunday, March 29, 2009

Center of Refuge - synopsis

So, the center can be so many different things. It can be described in terms of location, movement, part of something else, a source of influence and a focus of attention. Center can also be a gathering place, a foundation or organization created for a specific purpose, even a base for military operations.

How can we be centered within God’s will? You would think that knowing what the center is and being centered wouldn’t be that different. But we all know there is a big difference between knowing and doing. That’s the difference between knowing where to find the center of God’s will and living in the center of God’s will.

Being centered is an action. It requires movement. To get to the center of a stage, you have to find the outside edge and then MOVE to the center. To be the center of attention, you first have to get the attention of someone else. To be at the core of something, an outside shell must define what it is. Being a point of origin or influence requires that there be someone or something to be influenced. And a chief object of attention requires someone to focus on it.

How do we become centered in God’s will? By spending time with God. By spending time focusing on God. By making God the center of our attention and the source of our influence and inspiration. We can find the center of God’s will by seeking and pursuing it. We will not find it by just waiting for it to “hit us”. I tried that myself for a long time, trust me, it doesn’t work.

God’s will is “knowable”, available and attainable if we ask Him. Spend time with God (prayer). Spend time reading His word (Bible study). Spend time with His children (fellowship). They are all actions that can lead you to being centered in God’s will for you and for your life.

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