Monday, March 23, 2009

Center of Refuge - a center point

Here is a second definition for center.

A point around which something rotates or revolves: The sun is the center of the solar system.

A child always wants to be the center of attention. The child’s heart doesn’t understand that the world does not rotate around them. All they know is that their parents are there to respond to their every cry, whimper, smile or giggle. Although it isn’t always so, we all hope that infants are cared for in such a way that they truly feel the world revolves around them just as the solar system revolves around the sun.

As children of God, we can feel the same love from our Heavenly Father. His desire is to encompass us with His love in such a way that we feel Him everywhere. Look around you, even now. Everything that is there came through the hands of a loving God. You may feel blessed by that thought or you may feel angry because of unhappy circumstances. However, as you consider that you are the center of God’s affection, hopefully you will also understand that His desire for you is to see you grow in your faith and understanding of Him. Sometimes that means compassion and nurturing and sometimes that means allowing circumstances to create lessons that lead to growth. Either way, it is still the heart of a Loving God that wants to encompass us His love.

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