Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Center of Refuge - core

The center for refuge can also be the defined as:

A part of an object that is surrounded by the rest; a core: chocolates with soft centers.

Chocolates with soft gooey centers are one of my favorite sweets. As you bite into the chocolate you savor the flavor, slowly. Then the center starts to run out and you make that extra effort to make sure that none of it is lost. I find myself closing my eyes and enjoying the flavor of the center and looking forward to the next bite to get more. That’s how it is with the love of God.

When we first experience His love, it is a sweet flavor that is to be savored. Remember when you first accepted Jesus Christ as your savior. The emotion, the joy, the relief that you felt in giving up your will to accept God’s will. Then you began to experience the joy of spending time with God and learning more about Him. God wants to be the core of our desires and the sweet filling that leaves us wanting more and more.

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