Friday, March 27, 2009

Center of Refuge - power

The center can be a point of origin, as of influence, ideas, or actions: a center of power; a center of unrest.

We have the choice of how we will respond to God. Seeking a deeper relationship with Him, accepting His will and acting on His will can be a center of power in our lives. However, running from Him brings nothing but unrest, turbulence and anxiety into our lives. Being one who ran from God’s will for over 19 years, I speak from personal experience. You may think that you are in control and life will be alright. Until you stop and listen to God and accept His guidance, you will not know the joy of His will.

Centering on God’s will can provide a point of origin for all the decisions that we make. If we allow Him to be our influence, He will guide our ideas, our thoughts and our actions. He desires to be that center of power for us.

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