Monday, March 21, 2011

Matthew 2 - They Saw a Star

Matthew continues telling us of the prophecies fulfilled during the early years of Christ's life here on earth. Of course, as we saw in Matthew 1, the prophecies about his lineage were clearly fulfilled and now in chapter 2 we see Matthew continuing to document the prophecies of his early childhood that were fulfilled: the location of His birth (2:6); God calling His son out of Egypt (2:15); the death of the Hebrew children as Herod tried to kill the "King of the Jews" (2:18); and that he would be called a Nazarene (2:23).

As I read through this and studied the verses, I realized that my image of the wise men and their journey was incorrect. I've always heard the story that they followed the star when actually they saw the star and then from the prophecy knew where to go (Matt 2:2 and 2:6). When they had completed their journey and sought news from Herod as to the whereabouts of the child, he didn't know what they were talking about. So they continued to Bethlehem as the prophecy foretold. Then, when they returned to the directions provided, they saw the star again leading them to where Jesus was and they rejoiced (Matt 2:9).

Matthew Henry writes in great detail about the idolatry of the eastern religions and how God used a star to speak to them in a manner that they would understand and be drawn to Him. "Thus the stars that had been misused came to be put to the right use, to lead men to Christ; the gods of the heathen became his servants."

What I see here that draws me in is that God called even the godless to come to Bethlehem and worship the Messiah. He called them in a manner that they would understand and He provided them with direction (Micah 5:2 which Matthew quotes in 2:6). Imagine a 2-year journey with camels and horses or mules. Think of all the events that probably occurred that could have easily caused the Magi to turn around and go home. I can only imagine all the things that Satan would have wanted to do to stop their arrival and their heralding of Christ as the King of the Jews. Yet, they came. God made sure of that.

What is your star? How has God called you in a way that you would uniquely understand? Remember, when He called the Magi, He knew it would take them a long time to get where they were going. And, He knew He would have to protect them and ensure they actually got there. He is ready to do the same thing for you.

Take Refuge, God sends "stars" for all of us. We just have to be ready to follow them.

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