Monday, March 21, 2011

Matthew 1 - God Had a Plan

As I start a new adventure with this blog, the men in my church are starting a new 30-day challenge. This time, it is the book of Matthew. As I read Matthew, it is helpful to keep in mind that Matthew specifically wrote his gospel to the Jews. Many of the passages relate events and perspectives that are of particular interest to the Jewish culture. This is true in Matthew 1:1-16.

Many call this the "begats" as Matthew documents the generations from Abraham to Joseph. From a Jewish perspective, this is particularly important because the male role in the culture is predominant. As I read through the lineage; however, I see a plan unfolding.

Listed in the genealogy are Tamar (the daughter-in-law of Judah who seduced him and bore his child), Rahab (the harlot who helped the Hebrews when they came to Jericho), Ruth (the Moabite woman who followed Naomi back to Bethlehem) and Bathsheba (the woman David took from Uriah by having him killed). Matthew brings out in particular the names of four women in a genealogy that is focused on the lineage of the men. Two women who were not even Jews and two who were adulteresses.

In keeping with God's promise to both Abraham and David, the Messiah was descended from both of them. Also included in this section is the time or exile to Babylon when the nation of Israel was being punished for their unfaithfulness to God. But, again as prophesied, the nation returned to Jerusalem and the lineage continued.

Matthew documented 14 generations from Abraham to David, 14 from David to the exile and 14 from the exile to Jesus the Christ. Through 42 generations, God continued to work His plan. Through good kings and bad kings, through good men and women and through bad men and women, generation after generation God had a plan. He knew long before Abraham was born what this plan would be and when he promised to Abraham that the whole world would be blessed through his seed (Gen 12:3 and Gen 22:18), He knew how that plan would unfold.

As Paul writes, "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." (Gal 3:28 - HCSB). Jesus came for all of us regardless of background, race or creed. As Matthew Henry writes, "We ought not to upbraid people with the scandals of their ancestors; it is what they cannot help, and has been the lot of the best, even of our Master himself."

Take Refuge, my friend. God has a plan. He has always had a plan and He will continue to execute that plan until the day that Christ returns.

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