Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sacrificial Suffering of the Savior

Take Refuge in the sacrificial suffering of the Savior.

Tonight was the annual Maundy Thursday service at my church. As we came to a time of reflection, God brought to my mind the suffering that Christ experienced on our behalf.

While at the Garden of Gethsemane, He spent time talking to the Father. Time spent preparing for the days ahead. During that time, He reached a point that he asked, “Father, if you are willing, take this cup away from Me – nevertheless, not My will, but Yours, be done.” – Luke 22:42 (HCSB). Hearing this prayer, the Father responded, as the passage continues, “Then an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him.” – Luke 22:43 (HCSB). Jesus willingly took on Himself the sins of a self-centered, willful people (all mankind) so that we could have the opportunity to spend eternity with Him and with the Father. And, in willingly doing this, the Father sent him comfort.

Jesus knew the path that was ahead of Him. “And being in anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” – Luke 22:44 (HCSB). He knew that He would soon be betrayed by one of a trusted few. He knew about the trial. He knew that the crowds who had cheered Him just days before would cry out for his crucifixion. He knew about the scourging. He knew about the mocking. He knew that He soon would not even be recognizable as a man. He knew about the cross. He knew about the nails in His hands and feet. He knew that He would hang there for all to see and ridicule. He knew that only a few of His followers would actually be there with Him. He knew about the death to come. And yet, he chose the Father’s will and not His own.

I wonder, did He think about the resurrection? Did He think about the victory over death? Or were the sins of the world that He took upon Himself so great that it was all He could do just to bear them. Did He willingly go to the cross without contemplating what else had to be done after His death? Was the angel from heaven sent to Him to help Him prepare just for the crucifixion and death or was the angel also there to prepare Him for the resurrection as well?

Regardless of whether Jesus was thinking about the resurrection, He knew that He was facing the most horrific death that mankind had ever imagined. He knew that even though the Father loved his creation, sin had permanently separated them and only one sacrifice was sufficient to span that chasm between God and man. He willingly, knowingly and sacrificially chose to follow the course of suffering for my sake and for yours. Jesus loved us, all of us, so much that He was willing to give everything for us.

As you celebrate this Easter season, take refuge in the Savior and the sacrifice that He made just for you and for me.

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