Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cross or Sword?

Take Refuge in the Cross -- what better place to be.....

It was Palm Sunday and our church continued an annual tradition. Each person was given a cross made from palm tree leaves. It was a nice reminder that Palm Sunday begins the week that led up to the cross and Christ’s sacrifice for all men. However, in the hand of a child the cross became something much more adventurous. Grabbing the cross by the topmost section and swinging it in the air, this reminder of sacrifice became a sword of adventure. Turning to find another child with a “sword” in hand, the boys were ready to do battle with whomever they met.

Of course there were adults that were appalled at this lack of respect, but when thinking a little harder about the possibilities, I recognized a teaching moment for the children. When Jesus Christ died on the cross and then rose from the grave, it was as if He had taken the cross and used it as a sword to defeat both Satan and death to redeem the Father’s children. He became the knight in shining armor going to battle for the sake of the kingdom that was being terrorized by the evil forces. He was the only one able to wield the sword of truth and defeat the enemy.

So, when you see children using their crosses as swords, remind them that Jesus too fought a great battle. He used His cross to win the battle over Satan and death to provide for them the opportunity to spend eternity with Him.

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