Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Titus 2 - He Gave Himself

Titus 2 provides excellent descriptions of how believers should behave. Whether they be older men, younger men, older women, younger women or slaves. All are given instruction on the traits that should be displayed "... so that God's message will not be slandered." (Titus 2:5b HCSB) It is apparent that the purpose of the instruction to Titus for the people of the church is to allow others to see God in them. Or, as it is written in the Message, "We don't want anyone looking down on God's Message because of their behavior."

But what is the message that God doesn't want slandered? Paul tells us in verse 14 (HCSB), "He gave Himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to cleanse for Himself a special people, eager to do good works." God gave HIMSELF for us!!!!! We didn't deserve it. We shouldn't have expected it. We couldn't even imagine how He could do it, but God GAVE Himself FOR US!!!

Take Refuge!!!! God loves each of us so much that HE gave HIMSELF for us! If you haven't experienced the unconditional love of God, please find a pastor at a local church, or a friend who is a Christian and ask them to tell you about their relationship with the living God. If you can't find one, contact me here through this blog and I'll help you find someone. God sent is Son, to die for you and for me so that He could pay the price of our sins and we could be restored to a relationship with our loving Father. When you make that decision, to trust Jesus Christ as your saviour, then -- and only then -- will you truly understand what it is to take refuge in God.

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