Thursday, July 14, 2011

Crawl Up Inside You

Have you ever had one of those times when you were just miserably weary? Sometimes after a long, hard day my wife says to me, “I just want to crawl up inside of you.” It’s comforting, as a husband, to know that I can be that type of refuge for my wife. When you are weary, who do you turn to for comfort? Where do you turn for shelter? You may have a spouse who can comfort you or you may have a close friend who will lend a listening ear to hear your troubles. But when it all comes down to it, we all have a best friend, beloved Father and constant companion who is always ready to provide the emotional support that we need. Psalm 5:11 says, “But let all who take refuge in You rejoice; let them shout for joy forever. May you shelter them and may those who love Your name boast about You.”

When you struggle or worry or fret, slow down and look to Him. Our Abba Father is always there
waiting for us to crawl up into His lap and feel the warmth of His heart. There you will find the kind of rest and comfort that only He can give.

Take refuge in our Abba Father's love for you.