Thursday, May 12, 2011

Matthew 5 - Those Who Hunger and Thirst For Righteousness

Matthew 5:6 (HCSB) Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, because they will be filled.

Have you ever had a craving that you just couldn't get enough of? For me, it is any kind of sweet or carb. I am a professed "Carb-aholic." Show me a sweet or pasta and I'm there and ready to consume as much as you will give me. Of course, my doctor is not happy about this attitude and is always telling me to watch what I eat. As a diabetic, I must listen or suffer very unpleasant consequences. But, even when I am "being good" and only eating what I should or at least only eating what I shouldn't in small quantities, that doesn't change the desire for sweets or carbs.

God's righteousness should be the same for all believers. This beatitude is all about those who just can get enough of God. They know first hand the impact that He can have in their lives and they are so consumed with the desire for more of it that they literally "hunger and thirst" for it.

When those seasons arise that we all seem to face from time to time where we aren't as close to God as we should be, the longing for God's righteousness doesn't cease. Just like my desire for sweet things, those who "hunger and thirst for righteousness" always have a longing for more, even if they are not pursuing it as they should in their day-to-day walk.

And, when they are hungering, God promises that they will be filled. Since the longing never stops, the filling will be one of abundance, overflowing all of our possible expectations. God wants to bless us with an abundant life. But, we have to want it. We NEED to long for it.

Take Refuge, if your truly long for and hunger for God's righteousness, His blessings will be better than you can ever imagine.